Historically, food has always been there to keep us healthy. Unfortuntately, the Western Diet has become filled with processed foods that contain partially hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, and artificial ingredients. And we remain hungry.
The following foods are nutritious, can help you feel full, and can help you lose weight.
1 - Eggs - an organic egg will help you feel full all day. Eggs are a good source of protein and have 13 different vitamins and minerals, including iron and vitamin D. I often have a hard boiled egg in the morning and it keeps me satisfied. When it is lunch time I am not ravenous. (see link below for an eco-friendly way to boil the perfect egg).2 - Mushrooms - instead of meat use mushrooms in a sauce or salad. They are filling and cut hundreds of calories. Mushrooms are a rich source of germanium which increases oxygen efficiency in the body. They are also extremely low in calories and are a source of vitamin B.
3 - Beans - they contain resistant starch which triggers key appetite hormones. These hormones are what make you feel full. Beans have soluble fiber which lowers cholesterol and helps to improve insulin resistance.
4 - Crushed Red Pepper - the compound found in crushed red pepper is capsaicin. This is what ups the calories you naturally burn after eating.
5 - Olive Oil - contains oleic acid, which sets satiety hormones. Olive oil is high in monounsaturated fats and lower in saturated fats than other oils. (Dark chocolate also has oleic acid and curbs hunger - see link)
6 - Nuts - high in fiber and protein, nuts help you feel satisfied. Nuts have omega-3 fatty acids, phytochemicals, vitamin E, and potassium. By eating just a few nuts each day you are likely to eat 200 calories less per day. Also walnuts, almonds, and macadamia nuts are mono-and polyunsaturated fats - all good for your heart.
7 - Fresh Vegetables - a necessary part of our diet. By loading up daily on vegetables you can lose 25 percent more weight than people who only trim the fat in their diet. Plus, the magnesium, calcium and potassium in most fresh produce may help lower blood pressure. Organic or locally grown are recommended.
8 - Soup - by starting your meal with soup you are likely to eat 20 percent fewer total calories, than you would if you had opted to skip the soup. Soup fills you up. (Also see the Japanese shirataki noodles link - eaten as soup, they are amazing when it comes to feeling full, even a day later).
9 - Oatmeal - especially good for helping you lose weight around the middle. Oatmeal, like beans, is a source of soluble fiber and is full of heart-healthy B vitamins. Whole grains give you energy with staying power. Five servings per day can help you lose belly fat.
10 - Green Tea - considered a great pre-workout drink. It increases endurance by as much as 24 percent, which can allow you to exercise longer and burn more calories. According to a Journal of Nutrition study, drinking five cups of green tea per day can help you lose twice as much weight - most of it around your middle.